Project Title   Project Description Link/URL Status
Johnny5 Over the last few months I have been gradually adding more features to a bot I created to give MRC extra features, like currency conversion, some humour, to get what’s playing now and next on qUAntUm RaDio, to retrieve bible verses from an API, etc. You can get to use the bot in MRC from any BBS connected to the main MRC network. MRC Retired
qUAntUm RaDio! This is my internet radio station dedicated to represent some of the very best in chiptune and tracker music, with a sprinkling of art scene radio talk shows thrown in for extra sugar.

It hosts tri-daily art scene talk radio shows such as The Impulse Project hosted by Ed Wilson and Brian Mosley, The Artscene Radio Talk Show hosted by RaD MaN and Spinsane, and Sample Central hosted by Cranksy. These are all pre-recorded, however in the future I anticipate having a live slot for a talk show each week.
Matrix Well well well, so Discord are considering selling up to Micro$oft for ~$10B, an astronomical amount of dollar, how could they not want to. Well this leaves a sour taste in my mouth. Personally I never much cared for Discord anyway but it was a means to an end reaching out to other people who did use it and wanted to know more about BBSing so that I could help them transition back into the “real internet”. matrix Active
Hotline/KDX Hotline/KDX Many years ago, long before the internet became, lived an era where some people would run or access bulletin board systems (BBS) and most would use their modem and dial up to a BBS in order to obtain new software, send/receive messages with other people, and generally exist in “online” communities. The BBS was entirely text mode, you would dial up someone’s computer, spend some time looking for, downloading, and sometimes uploading files. Hotline/KDX Active
ANSI Art For the last year and a bit I have been learning to draw ANSI art. On the BBS I have in the local ansi-art file area a collection of all my art from the first to the most recent, and you can see just how good (or not) I am getting as time progresses. It’s so much fun, and I have had a few pieces submitted to various art packs.

Check out for all the art I and others have made. Active
Sample Central Cranksy created a podcast called Sample Central in which he plays and discusses various attributes of classic .MOD tracked music. You can catch episodes of this daily over at qUAntUm RaDio! also. sample central Inactive
Back to the BBS Okay so not actually my own project, but one that deserves all the support and love, and I have contributed to it also. Back to the BBS is a new documentary created by Alistair Ross in New Zealand, with the aim to showcase some of the very best that BBSing has to offer, with interviews from some well known SysOps (including me yay). This is a modern approach to a similar documentary about BBSing from 2004 by Jason Scott of One of the aims is to allow the younger generation see and enjoy what once was the only way, and pass on the torch to keep history alive. YouTube Playlist Active

Below are some “blog” style posts about some of my projects that have explained in more detail.

thE grAvY trAIn

Climb aboard The Gravy Train this Saturday night at 21:00 UTC and join MeaTLoTioN and others to EXCHANGE in witty chat with fellow SYSOPS and BBS USERS from any BBS connected to the MRC network or create an account on…

thE qUAntUm wOrmhOlE

  • hostname:
  • telnet port: 23
  • ssh port: 45022
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Freelance Work

I am comfortable with *nix operating systems, and am happiest in the terminal. If you have a project that you would like to take advantage of opensource technologies, you’re struggling to get a project off the ground or you require some scripting or programming assistance, feel free to contact me with your request.

I am proficient in languages such as Python and JavaScript, I spend a lot of time in the shell so Posix (and Bash) scripts are almost second nature to me. I enjoy piping commands together to make efficient “one-liners” with my own projects, and use this “OCD” to expand on to make much more in-depth scripts to accomplish sometimes quite heavy tasks.

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Hotline KDX


Many years ago, long before the internet became, lived an era where some people would run or access bulletin board systems (BBS) and most would use their modem and dial up to a BBS in order to obtain new software, send/receive messages with other people, and generally exist in “online” communities. The BBS was entirely text mode, you would dial up someone’s computer, spend some time looking for, downloading, and sometimes uploading files.

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Wanna See How Deep the Wormhole Goes?

Well well well, so Discord are considering selling up to Micro$oft for ~$10B, an astronomical amount of dollar, how could they not want to. Well this leaves a sour taste in my mouth. Personally I never much cared for Discord anyway but it was a means to an end reaching out to other people who did use it and wanted to know more about BBSing so that I could help them transition back into the “real internet”.
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Quantum Radio

Welcome to qUAntUm RaDio! Streaming 24/7 tracker modules and chiptunes from yesteryear.

Hit the play button below to listen in your browser or if you wish to use a standalone application like VLC or iTunes to listen to the stream just point them to

Playing Now Recently Played
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Sample Central

cranksy-mic Episode #001
Episode #002
Episode #003
Episode #004
Episode #005
Episode #006
Episode #007
Episode #008
Episode #009
Episode #010
Episode #011
Episode #012
Episode #013
Episode #014
Episode #015
Episode #016
Episode #017
Episode #018
Episode #019
Episode #020
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