XQ Weather Not Working After A47 Upgrade

OK so it looks like a lot of people have overlooked some info in the upgrade.txt for Mystic at or around the A47 mark, so I will make some lives easier by describing the issue and how to fix it.

Firstly, this only really applies to anyone using Mystic A47+ and the XQ-Weather door, there’s part of the door that allows you to scroll through some weather stats using the Mystic ANSI viewer however since A47 Mystic uses a new ansi viewer, and the configuration is done now with an ini file. So save time, here’s the link to a default ini file modified to work with xq-weather.

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Scroll Not Working in Mrc Mystic A47+

OK so it looks like a lot of people have overlooked some info in the upgrade.txt for Mystic at or around the A47 mark, so I will make some lives easier by describing the issue and how to fix it.

Firstly, this only really applies to anyone using Mystic A47+ and the MRC client, there’s a feature in MRC that allows you to scroll back through the message history using /scroll however since A47 Mystic uses a new ansi viewer, and the configuration is done now with an ini file. So save time, here’s the link to a default ini file modified to work with MRC.

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View all not working in IBOL Mystic A47+

OK so it looks like a lot of people have overlooked some info in the upgrade.txt for Mystic at or around the A47 mark, so I will make some lives easier by describing the issue and how to fix it.

Firstly, this only really applies to anyone using Mystic A47+ and the IBOL client, there’s a feature in IBOL that allows you to scroll back through the message history however since A47 Mystic uses a new ansi viewer, and the configuration is done now with an ini file. So save time, here’s the link to a default ini file modified to work with IBOL.

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What Can I Use a BBS For?

What is a BBS for? What could I use it for?

Reading and contributing to public messages about any topic you care for; Commonly a BBS will be connected to one or more FTN networks, that is, networks that push out echomail (and often files) to any system attached to them, in a similar way to the old usenet message and binaries groups used to be. For me personally, I like to read messages in the various message bases, sometimes I will reply or create a topic of my own, but for the most part I read more than I say.

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What Is a BBS?

What is a BBS? Aside from the software that is, what is it and why is it?

To me, a BBS (unless it’s supposed to be commercial) is a personal thing, and should exist just because YOU want it and/or need it. Having other visitors use it also is a bonus.

If you want to make it a place others want to visit regularly, make it unique, make it exciting, the visitors will come.

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thE grAvY trAIn

Climb aboard The Gravy Train this Saturday night at 21:00 UTC and join MeaTLoTioN and others to EXCHANGE in witty chat with fellow SYSOPS and BBS USERS from any BBS connected to the MRC network or create an account on…

thE qUAntUm wOrmhOlE

  • hostname: bbs.erb.pw
  • telnet port: 23
  • ssh port: 45022
                                             ___..--'  .`.
                                    ___...--'     -  .` `.`.
                           ___...--' _      -  _   .` -   `.`.
                  ___...--'  -       _   -       .`  `. - _ `.`.
           __..--'_______________ -         _  .`  _   `.   - `.`.
        .`    _ /\    -        .`      _     .`__________`. _  -`.`.
      .` -   _ /  \_     -   .`  _         .` | thE grAvY |`.   - `.`.
    .`-    _  /   /\   -   .`        _   .`   |___trAIn___|  `. _   `.`.
  .`________ /__ /_ \____.`____________.`     ___       ___  - `._____`|
    |   -  __  -|    | - |  ____  |   | | _  |   |  _  |   |  _ |
    | _   |  |  | -  |   | |.--.| |___| |    |___|     |___|    |
    |     |--|  |    | _ | |'--'| |---| |   _|---| MRC |---|_   |
    |   - |__| _|  - |   | |.--.| |   | |    |   |_  _ |   |    |
 ---``--._      |    |   |=|'--'|=|___|=|====|___|=====|___|====|
 -- . ''  ``--._| _  |  -|_|.--.|_______|_______________________|
`--._           '--- |_  |:|'--'|:::::::|:::::::::::::::::::::::|
_____`--._ ''      . '---'``--._|:::::::|:::::::::::::::::::::::|
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     `--._----------`--._.  _           -- . :''           -    ''
          `--._ _________`--._ :'              -- . :''      -- . ''
 -- . ''       `--._ ---------`--._   -- . :''
          :'        `--._ _________`--._:'  -- . ''      -- . ''
  -- . ''     -- . ''    `--._----------`--._      -- . ''     -- . ''
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 -- . ''           :'              `--._ ---------`--._-- . ''    -- . ''
          -- . ''       -- . ''         `--._ _________`--._   -- . ''
:'                 -- . ''          -- . ''  `--._----------`--._
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Other Bbses

This will be a page full of links to other BBS’s that either The Quantum Wormhole is affiliated with or belongs in the same network as, plus any other BBS’s that I come across in my travels.

(You can click a logo image to connect to the associated BBS’s webpage)

Name Address Connection Networks              SysOp Location
thE qUAntUm wOrmhOlE
bbs.erb.pw TELNET:23
tqwNet 1337:1/101
fsxNet 21:1/158
Araknet 10:104/2
Agoranet 46:20/106
VKRadio 432:1/137
Sp00knet 700:100/37
Retronet 80:774/81
Whispnet 316:36/25
Sportnet 24:110/14
Fidonet 2:250/5
MeaTLoTioN Ramsgate, UK
2o f0r BeeRS
20forbeers.com TELNET:1337
tqwNet 1337:3/129
fsxNet 21:2/150
Araknet 10:103/17
Agoranet 46:10/178
Fidonet 1:105/420
Paulie420 Portland, US
Al’s Geek Lab
Al’s Geek Lab
bbs.alsgeeklab.com TELNET:2323
tqwNet 1337:2/104
fsxNet 21:1/126
Araknet 10:103/16
hyjinx Welington, NZ
The Agency
agency.bbz.nz TELNET:23 fsxNet 21:1/101
Fidonet 3:770/100
Avon Dunedin, NZ
bbs.force9.org TELNET:23 AgoraNet
ArakNet 10:101/12
Retronet 80:774/47
RiPuk London, UK
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Let’s jump right to it. Below is an HTML5 Telnet browser with CP437 character set compatibility. Use this to access the BBS if you don’t have a good telnet browser with CP437. If you enjoy using the BBS, and want to be a more frequent user, I’d recommend getting SyncTerm for your computer. It has been designed to be used to connect to BBS’s via telnet.

Instructions on downloading and building / installing here

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Sample Central on Araknet Radio

So Cranksy has been super busy over at Sample Central HQ and has completed no less than 7 episodes for us all to listen to. You can catch them at ArakNet Radio and you can also listen to them all here =)

Thanks for all the hard work, Cranksy… you da man!

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Fidonet Here I Come

So just over two weeks ago I decided to find out how I could attach my new BBS to a second message network, after I managed to get easily connected to the fsxNet (many thanks to Avon in NZ for your help here). I decided that I would go after the biggest name in EchoMail networks that I know about, one that has been around for getting on for 40+ years if my estimate is anywhere near close. Yep, FidoNet was my network of choice. (More information on FidoNet can be found here)
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